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Table 3 Women’s report of provider advice on nutrition, N = 173a

From: Provider advice on physical activity and nutrition in twin pregnancies: a cross-sectional electronic survey

Provider Advice

N (%)

Balanced/healthy diet

67 (38.7)

Macronutrients discussed

79 (45.7)


70 (40.5)


14 (8.1)


9 (5.2)

Fruits and/or vegetables encouraged

20 (11.6)

Micronutrients discussed

14 (8.1)

Water encouraged

15 (8.7)

Caloric recommendations

51 (29.5)

 Increase intake

14 (8.1)

 Increase by 300–500 cal

11 (6.4)

 Increase by 600–1500 cal

8 (4.6)

 1600–1800 total calories

4 (2.3)

 2000–2500 total calories

8 (4.6)

 2500–3500 total calories

14 (8.1)

 Not sure if caloric recommendations were discussed

32 (18.5)

Specific diet types recommended

25 (14.5)

 Gestational diabetes diet

23 (13.3)

 Brewer diet

2 (1.2)

Foods to limit or avoid (e.g. deli meat)

24 (13.9)

Small meals, frequently

19 (11.0)

Continue pre-pregnancy diet

8 (4.6)

Don’t over-indulge

5 (2.9)

Alternate sources of dietary information

16 (9.2)


6 (3.5)


5 (2.9)

 Class for gestational diabetes

3 (1.7)


2 (1.2)

  1. aNumber of participants who reported receiving provider advice on nutrition during their twin pregnancy; used as denominator to calculate percentages
  2. bPercentages may not sum to the total within a given domain as responses could be coded into multiple categories