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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Effects of antenatal corticosteroids in twin neonates with late preterm birth (ACTWIN [Antenatal Corticosteroids in TWIN late preterm neonates] trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Age > 20 years

Gestational age before 34 weeks 0 days or after 36 weeks 6 days

Women with twin pregnancy at 34 weeks 0 days to 36 weeks 5 days of gestation

Lethal major foetal anomaly, foetal distress or foetal death in utero

At risk for preterm birth

Expected to deliver within 12 h

 preterm labour

 Advanced cervical dilatation (≥8 cm) in preterm labour


 Active phase labour (cervical dilatation ≥4 cm) in PPROM

 Maternal-foetal indications that need preterm delivery


Availability of written informed consent

History of a previous administration of antenatal corticosteroid within 1 week

Administration of systemic steroid for medical indications

Diagnosis of clinical chorioamnionitis

Contraindication of betamethasone administration

  1. Preterm labour is defined as regular uterine contractions with or without the following symptoms; pelvic pressure, backache, increased vaginal discharge, menstrual-like cramps, bleeding/show, cervical changes. Clinical chorioamnionitis is defined as fever > 37.8°C and the presence of two more of the following conditions: uterine tenderness, foul-odoured vaginal discharge, maternal leucocytosis(> 1500), maternal tachycardia(> 100) or foetal tachycardia(> 160)
  2. PPROM preterm premature rupture of memebrane