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Table 5 Infant outcomes based on the Pediatric Trials Network

From: Rationale, design, and methods for the Medical Optimization and Management of Pregnancies with Overt Type 2 Diabetes (MOMPOD) study

Adverse Event

Serious Adverse Event



 Intestinal perforation

 NEC Bell stage II or III

 Perforation with intra-abdominal free air proceeding pneumatosis


 Fracture with immobilization only

 Fracture requiring surgical intervention


 Respiratory failure requiring oxygen

 Pneumothorax present but no treatment required

 Apnea, any

 Pulmonary hypertension, any

 Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation

 Pneumothorax requiring intervention (e.g. chest tube, nitric oxide, milrinone, sildenafil)


 Seizure, no medical treatment Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) grade I or II

 Seizure requiring medical treatment

 IVH grade III or IV

 PVL on imaging


 Hypotension, no pharmacologic treatment

 Electrocardiogram (EKG)QTc prolongation 460–485 ms

 Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) resolving spontaneous or with noninvasive maneuvers (vagal maneuvers)

 Hypotension requiring treatment with pressors

 EKG QTc prolongation > 485 ms

 SVT requiring medical treatment or cardioversion

Infectious Disease

 Wound infection requiring topical treatment only

 Other infection proven by culture (urine, blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid) requiring antimicrobials


 Conjunctivitis requiring local treatment

 Retinopathy or prematurity (ROP), any stage not requiring treatment

 Conjunctivitis requiring systemic intervention or treatment

 ROP, Any stage requiring surgical or medical treatment


 Hearing impairment

 Confirmed hearing loss, unilateral or bilateral



 Pregnancy loss < 12 weeks, 0 days