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Table 1 Comparative characteristic of subjects between the MCDA twin and singleton groups

From: Three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound evaluation of placental blood flow in normal monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies


MCDA twin group

Singleton group

(n = 104)

(n = 106)

Maternal age (years old)

29.2 ± 6.2

27.7 ± 3.4

Parity (primapara/multipara)

61 (58.7%)/43 (41.3%)

56 (53.3%)/50 (46.7%)


29.9 ± 4.3

27.6 ± 4.0

Gestational age at time of delivery (weeks)

35 ± 3.4a

38 ± 2.2

  1. BMI body mass index, MCDA monochorionic diamniotic, a, p < 0.05, data were presented compared with the singleton group