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Table 3 Associations between potential confounders and social support

From: Associations between social support, mental wellbeing, self-efficacy and technology use in first-time antenatal women: data from the BaBBLeS cohort study

Potential confounders

F (df)

p value

Age (n = 468)

F (1) = 0.21


IMD decile (n = 470)

F (1) = 5.14


Ethnicity (n = 467)

F(1) = 0.06


Education (n = 476)

F(1) = 0.91


Relationship status (n = 483)

F(1) = 17.09


Employment (n = 473)

F(1) = 6.17


Recruitment site (n = 484)

F(4) = 1.58


Technology use (n = 483)

F(1) = 0.21


  1. F statistic is reported rather than the coefficient, due to the difficulty in interpreting the coefficients associated to the variable recruitment site which was the only true categorical variable
  2. n number of observations; df Degrees of Freedom
  3. *p < .05; **p < .001