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Table 1 Maternal and offspring characteristics of the full Omega cohort and participants included in the current pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy analyses

From: Maternal sedentary behavior during pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy and mean offspring birth size: a cohort study


Full Omega cohort

(n = 4128)

Pre-pregnancy analysis

(n = 1373)

Early pregnancy analysis

(n = 1535)

Maternal characteristics

 Age (years), mean (SD)

33 (5)

33 (4)

33 (4)

 Non-Hispanic white race, n (%)

3504 (85)

1196 (87)

1329 (87)

 High school education or more, n (%)

3733 (96)

1337 (97)

1496 (97)

 Married, n (%)

3746 (91)

1263 (92)

1417 (92)

 Nulliparous, n (%)

2510 (61)

803 (58)

894 (58)

 Pre-pregnancy BMI, n (%)

  Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2)

76 (2)

28 (2)

31 (2)

  Normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)

2961 (72)

997 (73)

1121 (73)

  Overweight (25–29.9 kg/m2)

700 (17)

250 (18)

273 (18)

  Obese (≥30 kg/m2)

391 (9)

98 (7)

110 (7)

 Total gestational weight gain (kg), mean (SD)

14 (5)

14 (4)

14 (5)

Maternal behaviors

 Smoking during pregnancy, n (%)

225 (6)

71 (5)

80 (5)

 Alcohol use during pregnancy, n (%)

375 (9)

167 (12)

172 (11)

 Pre-pregnancy sedentary time (hours per day), mean (SD)

2.3 (1.4)

2.3 (1.3)

2.3 (1.3)

 Early pregnancy sedentary time (hours per day), mean (SD)

2.6 (1.6)

2.7 (1.6)

2.6 (1.5)

 Pre-pregnancy moderate/vigorous leisure time physical activity (hours per week), median (IQR)

4.3 (5.4)

4.5 (4.7)

4.4 (4.6)

 Early pregnancy moderate/vigorous leisure time physical activity (hours per week), median (IQR)

3.0 (5.7)

2.3 (3.6)

2.3 (3.8)

Offspring characteristics

 Birthweight (grams), mean (SD)

3449 (555)

3447 (524)

3440 (534)

 Gestational age at delivery (weeks), mean (SD)

39 (2)

39 (2)

39 (2)

 Male, n (%)

2110 (51)

738 (54)

830 (54)