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Table 9 Timing/Explanation of advice received and compliance checking

From: A cross-sectional survey investigating women’s information sources, behaviour, expectations, knowledge and level of satisfaction on advice received about diet and supplements before and during pregnancy


Vitamin D

Folic acid


Timing -Too early

1 (1%)

3 (2%)

4 (3%)

Timing -Just right

50 (38%)

78 (59%)


Timing -Too late

10 (8%)

13 (10%)

7 (5%)

Not advised to use/change

46 (35%)

21 (16%)

35 (26%)

Advised reason for

50 (38%)

86 (65%)


Not advised reason for

67 (50%)

35 (26%)


Not sure if advised reason for

7 (5%)

6 (5%)


Compliance checked

44 (33%)

96 (72%)


Compliance not checked

66 (50%)

24 (18%)


Not Sure if compliance checked

8 (6%)

3 (2%)