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Table 3 Mothers’ perspectives on key study procedures – qualitative responses

From: The treatment of booking gestational diabetes mellitus (TOBOGM) pilot randomised controlled trial

What are your thoughts on the study specifically approaching women in the booking clinic to participate, who have been identified as at risk for GDM?

• Women described the recruitment process positively and had no objection to being approached (S: 4)

• Clinic recruitment was considered a good research strategy (S: 2)

• Women described that the recruitment process was a positive as it raised awareness of GDM in regards to education on diet, complications and prevention (S: 2)

• Women liked that recruitment was conducted by a person, as it aided the establishment of rapport and understanding of the study (F:2, S: 1)

• Flyers or pre-clinic booking would help give mothers time before being approached in clinic to make a decision (S: 2)

• Mothers preferred being approached face-to-face as opposed to via a flyer or email (F: 2)

• Face-to-face increases chances of participation (F: 1)

What do you think about delaying treatment, if needed, to 24 to 28 weeks?

Good or okay to delay

• Participants described delayed treatment as a good idea (S: 6, F:1)

• Participant indicated that if the early GDM test was not necessary it could save Medicare resources (S: 1)

• Mothers preferred to be only tested at 28 weeks, as it is standard practice in many places and in the past (F: 1)

• Mother approved of the delay, as she thought her own early testing and treatment was invasive and unnecessary (F: 1)

• Participants approved, as GTT was so unpleasant it should only be conducted once (F: 1)

Not sure

• Not sure (S: 5)

Should not delay

• GDM should not be delayed if it can be treated early (S: 1. F: 1)

• Mother would still want to check at booking (S: 1)

• Delaying treatment would be detrimental to mother and child as there is no need to change the current approach to treatment at booking (S: 1)

• Participant expressed that if detected some treatment should occur, even if that is just a modified diet (S: 1, F: 1)

• Treatment should not be delayed (S: 1, F: 1)

How do you feel about the heel prick test for glucose at one hour old?

Good or okay

• Good, no problems with test (S: 10, F: 3)

• Mothers describe having no objection based on the notion that test will aid in checking health of baby/identification of diabetes (S: 2, F:1)

• Only if necessary (S: 7)

• No objection as babies have lots of tests when born anyway (S: 2, F:1)

• Mothers described that babies forget pain quickly (F: 2)

Not approve or ambivalent

• Not comfortable with test (S: 3)

• Mother described being uncomfortable if the test disturbed the baby (S: 1)

• Opposed ‘I refuse to see that’ (F:1)

• This test should have second consent obtained (F: 2)

• Mothers suggested that less blood be collected (F:1)

  1. S Survey responses, F Focus group responses