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Table 2 Perceptions of primigravid women toward epidural analgesia before education

From: The effect of epidural education on Primigravid Women’s decision to request epidural analgesia: a cross-sectional study

What do you think is the most effective means of pain control during labour?

N (%)

No effective method

2 (2.5)

Pain relief with intramuscular analgesia

3 (3.7)

Pain relief with intravenous analgesia.

3 (3.7)

Pain relief using gas inhalation

2 (2.5)

Epidural analgesia

31 (38.3)


10 (12.3)

Do not know

30 (37)

What was the number one reason you might have wanted an epidural for labour?

Pain control

19 (61.3)

Relief of fatigue/stress

7 (22.6)

Encouraged to obtain epidural by friend/family member

2 (6.4)

Encouraged to obtain epidural by OB, midwife, labour educator

3 (9.7)


0 (0)

What was the concern you had that may have led you towards avoiding an epidural for labour?

Concern over possible risks to me (back pain, headache, etc.)

16 (51.6)

Concern over possible risks to baby

5 (16.1)

Pain from needle/procedure

4 (12.9)

Desire for natural childbirth

3 (9.7)

Concerns about me from the community

1 (3.2)


2 (6.5)

What was your main source of information on epidurals prior to your labour?


15 5(16.1)


2 (6.5)

Family member/friend

18 (58.1)

Book/video/TV program

1 (3.2)

Childbirth class

1 (3.2)

The Internet

4 (12.9)

Did your partner prefer that you receive an epidural for labour?

5 (16.1)


3 (9.7)


23 (74.2)


In the future, will you request an epidural when in labour?


19 (23.5)


9 (11.1)

Not decided

53 (65.4)