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Table 2 Sample characteristics of the survey

From: Facilitating autonomous, confident and satisfying choices: a mixed-method study of women’s choice-making in prenatal screening for common aneuploidies

Demographic characteristics

Sample size = 183

Mean age (years) (SD)

32 (4.46)

Education (n) (%)

 1. Basic education or less

1 (0.55)

 2. Secondary education or vocational qualifications

33 (18.03)

 3. Bachelor level

54 (29.51)

 4. Master level

82 (44.81)

 5. Licentiate or doctor’s degree

13 (7.10)

Marital status (n) (%)

 1. Single

10 (5.46)

 2. Married

101 (55.19)

 3. Co-habitation

71 (38.80)

 4. Divorced

1 (0.55)

Occupation (n) (%)

 1. Student

13 (7.10)

 2. Labor worker

79 (43.17)

 3. Lower white-collar worker

18 (9.84)

 4. Upper white-collar worker

53 (28.96)

 5. Entrepreneur

6 (3.28)

 6. Unemployed

14 (7.65)

 7. Pensioner

0 (0)

Gravidity, including current pregnancy (times) (SD)

1.99 (1.20)

Chromosomal abnormality in previous pregnancy (n) (%)

 1. with chromosomal abnormality in previous pregnancy

2 (1.09)

 2. no chromosomal abnormality in previous pregnancy

181 (98.91)