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Table 6 Timing of referral to tertiary MDT, secondary MDT or named link clinician

From: Implementation of guidelines for multidisciplinary team management of pregnancy in women with pre-existing diabetes or cardiac conditions: results from a UK national survey

Once pregnant, at what point during a women’s pregnancy is the first referral usually made to the MDT?


Cardiac conditions N (%)

Diabetes N (%)


Tertiary MDT

Secondary MDT

Named Link clinician

Tertiary MDT

Secondary MDT

Named link clinician

First contact with health services when pregnant (i.e. GP pre-booking visit)

15 (40)

6 (25)

7 (29)

33 (81)

65 (89)

11 (73)

Booking visit (8–12 weeks)

13 (34)

12 (50)


8 (20)

5 (7)

2 (13)

First scan (12 week scan)

1 (3)

5 (21)



First hospital appointment with medical lead for the condition

4 (11)




1 (7)

Anomaly scan (18–20 weeks)


1 (4)



Other (please describe)

3 (8): varies according to complexity of condition. Some women self-refer.


1 (4): at any point between booking and delivery with obstetricians decide to refer)


3 (4) variable depending on practice; patients can self-refer and usually seen same day; referrals from CMW, GP, DSN and self-referral often 4–8 weeks, occasionally 8–12 weeks

1 (7) ad hoc, sometimes community midwife refers at booking or GP routine referral