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Table 2 PRES item means (SD), by country and type of antenatal care

From: Randomized controlled pilot of a group antenatal care model and the sociodemographic factors associated with pregnancy-related empowerment in sub-Saharan Africa




Individual ANC

Group ANC

Individual ANC

Group ANC

Provider Connectedness

 I can ask my midwife provider about my pregnancy

2.83 (0.5)

3.80 (0.4)*

3.19 (0.4)

3.30 (0.5)

 I have enough time with my midwife to discuss my pregnancy

2.60 (0.6)

3.69 (0.5)*

3.02 (0.5)

3.28 (0.5)*

 My midwife listens to me

2.54 (0.6)

3.71 (0.5)*

3.15 (0.4)

3.34 (0.5)*

 My midwife respects me

2.70 (0.5)

3.71 (0.5)*

3.15 (0.4)

3.34 (0.5)*

 I expect my midwife to respect my decisions about my pregnancy

2.67 (0.5)

3.71 (0.5)*

3.15 (0.4)

3.25 (0.5)

 My midwife respects my decision, even if it is different than their recommendation

2.58 (0.5)

3.61 (0.5)*

3.0 (0.7)

2.85 (0.8)

Skillful Decision-Making

 I take responsibility for the decisions I make about my pregnancy like eating healthy food

2.98 (0.4)

3.80 (0.4)*

2.46 (0.9)

2.57 (0.9)

 I can tell when I have made a good health choice

2.85 (0.4)

3.69 (0.5)*

3.21 (0.5)

3.21 (0.4)

 Since I began prenatal care, I have been making more decisions about my health

2.85 (0.5)

3.67 (0.5)*

3.21 (0.4)

3.26 (0.4)

Peer Connectedness

 Women need to share experiences with other women when they are pregnant

2.83 (0.7)

3.69 (0.5)*

3.23 (0.4)

3.28 (0.5)

 I share my feelings and experiences with other women

2.70 (0.6)

3.65 (0.5)*

3.15 (0.5)

3.23 (0.4)

Gaining Voice

 I know if I am gaining the right amount of weight during my pregnancy

2.40 (0.6)

3.67 (0.5)*

3.15 (0.5)

3.26 (0.4)

 I have a right to ask questions when I don’t understand something about my pregnancy

2.50 (0.7)

3.69 (0.5)*

3.27 (0.4)

3.32 (0.5)

 I am able to change things in my life that are not healthy for me

2.78 (0.5)

3.67 (0.5)*

3.19 (0.5)

3.26 (0.5)

 I am doing what I can to have a healthy baby

2.97 (0.5)

3.67 (0.5)*

3.23 (0.5)

3.30 (0.5)

 If something is going wrong in my pregnancy, I know who to talk to

2.97 (0.5)

3.69 (0.5)*

3.25 (0.4)

3.28 (0.5)

  1. *Significantly different at P < 0.05