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Table 2 Guide for extracting data and emergent themes

From: Understanding the implementation of maternity waiting homes in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative thematic synthesis

Content of interest

Themes which emerged

 • Demographic, socio-cultural, economic, country context

 • Health indicators

 • Health system characteristics

 • Policy

 • Community characteristics

General characteristics of context and MWH

 • Timeline

 • General equity considerations (e.g. gender, ethnic, racial, marginalized and vulnerable populations)

 • Assumptions, theory of change, models or frameworks used to guide program design and implementation

Definition or description of MWH, and hypothesis or reasoning for establishment of MWH

 • Program context (key actors, organizations, participants, implementing partners, & who did what, who initiated the program)

Administrative set-up and maintenance of MWH

 • Monitoring and evaluation system characteristics

 • Cost of intervention, financial considerations (e.g. incentives, compensation), source of funding

 • Structural and financial support and considerations (organizational systems, training/education and support for implementers/actors/participants)

 • Description of approach/intervention (process used)

Description of physical facilities, utilities provided and infrastructure of MWH (e.g. bed size, number of rooms, cooking, sanitation facilities)

Health related activities at the MWH (e.g. health education, training, antenatal care, income generation)

 • Inhibiting factors, challenges and enhancing factors

Barriers and enabling factors related to MWH based on perceptions of (a) community (b) health workers (c) authors of articles

 • Sustainability