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Table 1 Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Study Participants. Obtained from Florida Birth Vital Statistics or Medicaid Claims Data

From: Combining adverse pregnancy and perinatal outcomes for women exposed to antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy, using a latent trait model


Valproate Sub-group

N = 226

Total AED Groupa

N = 3183

AED Unexposed Group

N = 43,956

P Value**

P Value***

Maternal age at infant born, Mean ± SD

25.9 ± 6.4

26.5 ± 6.0

24.6 ± 5.2



Father’s age at infant birth, Mean ± SD

52.1 ± 33.2

47.5 ± 30.7

43.3 ± 29.7



Mother’s Race, N (%)


177 (72)

2200 (69)

20,333 (46)




27 (11)

429 (13)

13,991 (32)


41 (17)

552 (17)

9550 (22)

Father’s Race, N (%)


95 (39)

1455 (46)

15,669 (36)




31 (13)

327 (10)

9733 (22)


32 (13)

474 (15)

8024 (18)

Father’s education level, N (%)

 Above High School

66 (40)

765 (33)

14,219 (41)



Mother’s previous adverse pregnancy experience, N (%)

1 (0.7)

23 (1)

307 (2)



Mother’s receipt of any prenatal care, N (%)

143 (99)

2172 (99)

18,590 (98)



Mother’s total number of prenatal visits, Mean ± SD

11.1 ± 18.2

11.3 ± 16.9

8.8 ± 15.7



Mother’s marital status, Yes, N (%)

86 (35)

1137 (36)

18,041 (41)



Mother’s parity (previous live births), Mean ± SD

1.1 ± 1.3

1.3 ± 5.1

1.7 ± 3.7



Mother’s tobacco use, N (%)

74 (31)

936 (30)

7133 (16)



Mother’s average tobacco use, Mean ± SD

4.8 ± 15.9

4.0 ± 13.5

1.7 ± 9.0



Mother’s alcohol use, N (%)

3 (1)

38 (1)

175 (0.4)



Mother’s education level, N (%)

 Above High School

86 (37)

1173 (37)

16,772 (39)



Infant male gender, N (%)

120 (49)

1549 (49)

19,048 (43)



Mother’s previous gestational diabetes, N (%)

6 (4)

84 (4)

604 (3)



Mother’s previous gestational hypertension, N (%)

6 (3)

138 (5)

1240 (3)



Mother’s previous cesarean, N (%)

17 (13)

306 (14)

3056 (17)



Mother’s Epilepsy diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

60 (24)

571 (18)

81 (0.2)



Mother’s Anxiety diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

15 (6)

230 (7)

218 (0.5)



Mother’s Neural Pain diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

0 (0)

27 (0.9)

27 (0.1)



Mother’s Bipolar diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

56 (23)

444 (14)

499 (1.1)



Mother’s Depression diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

21 (9)

328 (10.3)

743 (1.7)



Mother’s Migraine diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

12 (5)

96 (3)

173 (0.4)



Mother’s mental disorder diagnoses during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)

90 (37)

1118 (35)

3777 (9)



Mother’s antipsychotic exposure during pregnancy, N (%)

50 (20)

338 (11)

275 (0.6)



Mother’s antidepressants exposure during pregnancy, N (%)

90 (37)

886 (28)

1281 (3)



Mother’s folic acid use during pregnancy, N (%)

150 (61)

1965 (62)

17,948 (41)



Mother’s anxiolytics (including sedatives and hypnotics) exposure during pregnancy, N (%)

76 (31)

1832 (58)

1452 (3)



Number of hospitalization for seizure during pregnancy, Median (min, max)

0 (0, 4)

0 (0, 6)

0 (0, 3)



Number of physician visits with seizure diagnoses during pregnancy, Median (min, max), N (%)

0 (0, 3)

0 (0, 5)

0 (0, 6)



Mother’s infection and parasitic diagnosis during baseline and pregnancy, N (%)b

30 (12)

355 (11)

2959 (7)



Mother’s antibiotics exposure during pregnancy, N (%)

117 (48)

1418 (45)

13,854 (32)



  1. aBy definition, total AED group includes the patients who used valproate
  2. bInclude including: Virus, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, HIV, Syphilis, Herpes simplex virus, Toxoplamosis, Varicella virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, Phenylketonuria, Hypoxia
  3. **Compared between total AED group and AED unexposed group
  4. ***Compared between valproate subgroup and AED unexposed group