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Table 5 Common themes among people who responded to “What did you say to a pregnant woman about smoking during pregnancy” (n = 148)

From: Advice given by community members to pregnant women: a mixed methods study


Example quotation


 Don’t do it, stop, quit (n = 59)

It’s best to stop

Don’t smoke during pregnancy

She needed to stop asap

 Bad for baby (N = 97)

Think about the baby. Give the baby a fair chance at life. Don’t damage the babies [sic] lungs.

That it can affect your baby’s health in a negative way.

That she should stop because I hear the baby can be smaller or premature

That she should stop for her baby and stop being selfish

 Bad for mom (N = 36)

It’s not good for you or the baby

She should not do it during pregnancy she has higher risks of preterm delivery and infections etc.

 It might not be that bad (N = 15)

Advised her to stop, at least while pregnant and/or nursing.

Its okay to smoke but not alot

 Asked questions or had conversation about stopping (N = 13)

That it’s not good for the baby when is she going to stop

Is everything OK? I saw you are pregnant. I thought something must be really wrong if you’re smoking and pregnant

Explained the risks it posed, ask if she needed help to quit

 Advice about how to stop smoking (N = 3)

It may 2 stressful on her child ti quit cild [sic] turkey based 9n her amt she smoked prior 2 her pregnancy

“It’s bad for the baby to stop cold turkey because the withdrawal”

 You should smoke (N = 2)

I was told to take up smoking to lower the birth weight of my child


 Educating or informational (explaining why) (N = 83)

That it was unhealthy for her and the baby

I told her it would probably affect the babies development.

She didn’t think it would be harmful, but I pointed out that this was the greatest form of second hand smoke

 Directive or commanding (N = 53)

It’s best to stop

Shouldn’t smoke while pregnant

 Encouraging or engaging (N = 18)

Only encouragement to quit

To try to quit smoking, cut down a lot.

I suggested quitting smoking.

 Blaming or judgmental (N = 16)

You shouldn’t smoke during pregnancy it will give your baby birth defects. You want him to have all his toes don’t you?

Bad idea.

I said “way to go, now your baby can’t breathe fresh air. Yum, I hope she loves second hand smoke”

 Non committal (N = 11)

It’s your choice

Do you smoke more or less?

 Exaggerated or alarming (N = 10)

Your child will come out with a birth defect

Give your child a chance bc the world is already horrible

When you smoke your baby smokes