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Table 2 Protocol for child monitoring assessment

From: Effect of provision of an integrated neonatal survival kit and early cognitive stimulation package by community health workers on developmental outcomes of infants in Kwale County, Kenya: study protocol for a cluster randomized trial

Developmental domain



• Evaluation of gross and fine motor skills

• Assessed through direct observation and parental report

• Example of items/activities that are directly observed:

 o Head control

 o Lifting upper body

 o Reaches out for moving object

• Example of items/activities that are evaluated through maternal report:

 o Sits with/without support

 o Stands with/without support

 o Crawls/walks


• Evaluation of cognition and executive function subscale

• Executive function subscale made up of two tasks: self-control and A-not-B tasks

• Assessed through direct and discreet observation

• Example of items/activities:

 o Stacking cubes

 o Removing cubes from a container

 o Matching colours

 o Discretely monitor time until child reaches for desirable object they’ve been asked not to touch


• Evaluation of language development through maternal report or if possible, direct observation

• Example of items evaluated:

 o Repeating strings of vowels

 o Understands/uses gestures

 o Understands/uses words

Self help/Adaptive Behaviour

• Independence and adaptive behaviour assessed through maternal report

• Example of items evaluated:

 o Dresses self

 o Feeding behaviour

 o Indicates when wet

Social Emotional

• Social items and emotional regulation assessed through maternal report

• Example of Social items evaluated:

 o Recognition of people

 o Reaction to own name

• Example of emotional regulation items evaluated:

 o Eating habits

 o Playing behaviour