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Table 2 List of experimental variables (clinical and biochemical data) analyzed using ANN to obtain umbilical cord blood leptin and insulin values: input and output range conditions studied

From: Estimation of umbilical cord blood leptin and insulin based on anthropometric data by means of artificial neural network approach: identifying key maternal and neonatal factors

Input Variables (n = 49)


Output variables


Maternal Morbidity, MM

Healthy, Obese or diabetic

Umbilical cord blood leptin, (ng/ml)

0.17–27 (mean 5.1)

Maternal initial weight, MWi (kg)

49–96 (mean 72)

Maternal final weight, MWf (kg)

55–117 (mean 83)

Umbilical cord blood insulin, (μU/ml)

0.7–12 (mean 1.9)

Maternal height, MH (cm)

149–173 (mean 157)


Maternal initial BMI, MBMi (kg/m2)

22–40 (mean 29.5)


Maternal final BMI, MBMf (kg/m2)

24–42 (mean 33.5)


Gestational age at delivery, GE (weeks) Neonatal gender, NG

37–41 (mean 39)


Neonatal birth weight, NW (kg)

2.01–4.19 (mean 2.98)


Neonatal birth body length, NH (cm)

45–54 (mean 48)


Neonatal head circumference, NHC (cm)

32–37 (mean 34)


Neonatal BMI, NBMI

10–15 (mean 13)


Parity, P

1–5 (mean 2.3)


Maternal age, MA (years)

16–43 (mean 30)