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Table 1 Maternal characteristics in the study population, n = 3238

From: Alcohol consumption and binge drinking in early pregnancy. A cross-sectional study with data from the Copenhagen Pregnancy Cohort


Total, n (%)

Maternal age (years)



97 (3)


774 (24)


1363 (42)


789 (24)


215 (7)

 Mean (SD)

32 (5)

Missing data; 0





1960 (61)


1278 (39)

Missing data. O


Danish language skills



3068 (96)


132 (4)

Missing data: 38





2949 (93)


236 (7)

Missing data; 53




 Compulsory school

194 (7)


106 (4)


210 (7)

 Bachelor or equivalent

897 (31)

 Master or equivalent

1451 (51)

Missing data: 380





2066 (71)


166 (6)


464 (16)


206 (7)

Missing data: 336


BMI (kg/m2)


 Underweight (<18.5)

154 (5)

 Normal (18.5-24.9)

2291 (77)

 Overweight (25–29.9)

398 (14)

 Obese (>30)

126 (4)

 Mean (SD)

23 (4)

Missing data: 269


Chronic illness



272 (9)


2399 (82)

 Other illnessb

255 (9)

Missing data: 312

  1. a Including stay at home, pensioners, maternity leave
  2. bE.g.: asthma, polycystic ovary syndrome, migraine