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Table 1 Mean (SD) baseline demographic data for all participants

From: Adherence, tolerance and effectiveness of two different pelvic support belts as a treatment for pregnancy-related symphyseal pain - a pilot randomized trial


Flexible belt group

Rigid belt group

All participants

(n = 10)

(n = 10)

(n = 20)

Mean age (years)

28.6 (5.6)

30.2 (7.6)

29.4 (6.5)

Mean BMI (kg/m2)

24.8 (3.8)

24.8 (4.2)

24.8 (3.9)

Mean gestation at baseline (weeks)

32.0 (4.8)

29.6 (5.5)

30.8 (5.2)

Mean gestational age at onset of symptoms (weeks)

24.4 (7.5)

22.7 (6.5)

23.6 (6.9)

  1. Abbreviations: SD standard deviation.