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Table 1 Comparisons between the non-depressed and depressed groups according to the severity of depression and symptoms

From: Is postpartum depression a homogenous disorder: time of onset, severity, symptoms and hopelessness in relation to the course of depression


Non-depressed group n = 104

Depressed group n = 104


Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)


Severity of depressive symptoms:


Number of symptoms3

0.29 (0.72)

6.54 (1.29)


EPDS score

3.53 (3.20)

17.59 (4.08)


BDI score

4.08 (3.17)

22.22 (7.95)


BHS score

1.98 (1.91)

7.69 (4.50)


SCL-90 subscales:



1.38 (0.36)

2.18 (0.71)



1.46 (0.41)

2.75 (0.63)


Interpersonal sensitivity

1.23 (0.30)

2.38 (0.73)



1.43 (0.40)

3.21 (0.60)



1.17 (0.24)

2.35 (0.73)



1.34 (0.36)

2.36 (0.73)


Phobic anxiety

1.08 (0.18)

1.91 (0.76)


Paranoid ideation

1.16 (0.26)

1.86 (0.67)



1.06 (0.14)

1.68 (0.52)


Symptoms of major depressive episode in SCID interview:

n (%)

n (%)


Depressed mood

5 (4.8 )

93 (89.4)


Loss of interest/pleasure

4 (3.8)

86 (82.7)


Increased or decreased appetite

1 (1.0)

34 (32.7)


Sleep disturbance

1 (1.0)

68 (65.4)


Psychomotor agitation or retardation

4 (3.8)

80 (76.9)


Decreased energy

5 (4.8)

97 (93.3)


Worthlessness/feelings of guilt

5 (4.8)

90 (86.5)


Poor concentration

7 (6.7)

80 (76.9)


Suicidal ideation

0 (0.0)

26 (25.0)


  1. 1Mann–Whitney U test.
  2. 2Pearson’s chi-square test.
  3. 3Number of symptoms of a major depressive episode in the SCID interview
  4. EBDS = Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, BDI = Beck Depression Inventory, BHS = Beck Hopelessness Scale, SD = standard deviation.