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Table 3 Evidence-based clinical recommendations.

From: Developing evidence-based maternity care in Iran: a quality improvement study


Not implemented routinely prior to intervention (n = 19)

Implemented routinely prior to intervention (n = 9)

Selected for intervention (n = 10)

Not selected for intervention (n = 9)

Amniotomy unless contraindicated

Admission in labour phase

Elective episiotomy

Nurse auscultory monitoring

Adequate pain relief (only by parenteral analgesics)

Vaginal birth after caesarean birth

Continuous electronic fetal monitoring-external (EFM-ext), if indicated

Non-use of routine enema

Restriction of elective caesarean birth

Documentation of progress of labour

Companionship (only after birth)

Alternative position for delivery

Regular cervical exam

Mobility during the first stage of labour

Continuous electronic fetal monitoring-internal (EFM-int), if indicated

Chart evaluation

Oral fluids

Amnioinfusion for meconium treatment and/or oligohydramnios

Operative vaginal delivery, if indicated

Remedial techniques in uteroplacental insufficiency or cord compromise

Vibroacoustic test or scalp stimulation

Prevention of postpartum haemorrhage

Management of arrest disorders

The scalp pH test

Management of high-risk situations such as preterm and post term labour, bleeding, gestational diabetes and hypertension

Management of protraction disorders

Fetal Pulse Oximetry (FPO)


Active management of the third stage of labour

  1. The left column shows the evidence-based clinical recommendations implemented routinely at the hospital. The next two columns display the result of professional consensus about which practices would be adopted in the new care model and which would not be adopted in the new model