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Table 1 Search strategy to identify citations on tests used to predict pre-eclampsia

From: Prediction of pre-eclampsia: a protocol for systematic reviews of test accuracy


   1. preeclamp* OR eclamp* OR pre-eclamp* OR (pre AND eclamp*) OR (pregnan* AND hypertens*)

   2. ("Eclampsia"[MeSH] OR "Gestosis, EPH"[MeSH] OR ("Hypertension"[MeSH] AND "Pregnancy"[MeSH]))

   3. "Sensitivity and Specificity"[MeSH] OR predict* OR diagnose* OR diagnosi* OR diagnost* OR accura*

(1 OR 2) AND 3 (diagnosis)

   4. (((((("cohort studies"[mh] OR "case-control studies"[MeSH Terms]) OR "risk"[mh]) OR "epidemiologic factors"[MeSH Terms]) OR ("odds"[tw] AND "ratio*"[tw])) OR ("relative"[tw] AND "risk"[tw])) OR ("case"[tw] AND "control*"[tw]))

(1 OR 2) AND 4 (aetiology)



   2. exp PREGNANCY/

   3. exp hypertension/

   4. 2 and 3

   5. 1 or 4

   6. (preeclamp$ or eclamp$ or pre-eclamp$ or (pre and eclamp$) or (pregnan$ and hypertens$)).mp.

   7. (sensitiv$ or detect$ or accura$ or specific$ or reliab$ or positive or negative or diagnos$).mp. or di.fs.

   8. 5 or 6

   9. 7 and 8 (diagnosis)

   10. cohort analysis/

   11. exp risk/

   12. (odds$ adj ratio$).mp.

   13. (relative adj risk).mp.

   14. case control study/

   15. (case$ adj control$).mp.

   16. (causa$ or predispos$).mp.

   17. or/10–16

   18. 5 or 6

   19. 17 and 18 (aetiology)

Cochrane Library

Set 1

   1. preeclamp* OR eclamp* OR pre-eclamp* OR (pre AND eclamp*) OR (pregnan* AND hypertens*) in All Fields in all procucts

Set 2

   2. MeSH descriptor Eclampsia explode all trees in MeSH products

   3. MeSH descriptor Hypertension explode all trees in MeSH products

   4. MeSH descriptor Pregnancy explode all trees in MeSH products

   5. (#2 OR (#3 AND #4))

Set 3

   6. MeSH descriptor Sensitivity and Specificity explode all trees in MeSH products

   7. Predict* OR diagnose* OR diagnosi* OR diagnost* OR accura* in All Fields

   8. (#6 OR #7)

(1 OR 2) AND 3 (diagnosis)

Set 4

   1. MeSH descriptor Cohort Studies explode all trees in MeSH products

   2. MeSH descriptor Case-Control Studies explode all trees in MeSH products

   3. MeSH descriptor Risk explode all trees in MeSH products

   4. MeSH descriptor Epidemiologic Factors explode all trees in MeSH products

   5. ((odds AND ratio) OR (relative AND risk) OR (case AND control)) in All Fields in all products

   6. (#1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5)

(1 OR 2) AND 4 (aetiology)