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Table 1 Clinical and biochemical demographic data of the studied groups

From: The relationship between low maternal serum vitamin D levels and glycemic control in gestational diabetes assessed by HbA1c levels: an observational cross-sectional study


Controls (n = 80)

Cases with GDM (n = 80)


Maternal age in years

24.40 +/- 3.77

25.38 +/- 3.83

0.107 (NS)

Pre-pregnancy BMI (Kg/m2)

25.31 +/- 2.39

26.46 +/- 2.95

0.665 (NS)


1.79 +/- 1.06

1.81 +/- 1.02

0.88 (NS)

Previous history of GDM

5 (6.25%)

29 (36.25%)


Family history of type 2 DM

9 (11.25%)

36 (45%)


Fasting blood sugar mg/dl

77.05 +/- 7.15

94.05 +/- 14.33

0.000 (S)

25OHD (nmol/L)

46.61 +/- 6.08

47.25 +/- 10.18

0.632 (NS)


4.47 +/- 0.54

4.25 +/- 1.09

0.117 (NS)

Fasting insulin

8.95 +/- 2.52

18.51 +/- 6.44

0.000 (S)


0.3518 +/- 0.1784

0.4848 +/- 0.0195

0.000 (S)

  1. 25OHD: 25-hydroxyvitamin D, BMI: body mass index, DM: diabetes mellitus, GDM: gestational diabetes mellitus, NS: not significant, S:significant, OGTT: oral glucose tolerance test, PGL:plasma glucose.