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Table 5 Women’s reported satisfaction, by source of counseling, among enrolled women interviewed postpartum who used misoprostol (n = 265)

From: Advance distribution of misoprostol for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) at home births in two districts of Liberia


Health care workers during ANC (n = 166)

DRHSs during home visits (n = 99*)


Women who were satisfied with use of misoprostol:


Would recommend misoprostol to a friend (n = 259)

165* (100.0%)

93 (98.9%)


Agreed to pay 5 Liberian Dollars** (n = 260)

92 (55.4%)

50 (53.2%)


Would take misoprostol for next delivery (n = 259)

162* (98.2%)

92 (97.9%)


  1. *Note: Some women did not answer all questions, therefore the denominator is not always based on ‘n’.
  2. **Approximately $.06 USD.