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Table 1 Process of reporting and ordering of drugs and medical supplies using ILS

From: Availability of drugs and medical supplies for emergency obstetric care: experience of health facility managers in a rural District of Tanzania


Facility manager (dispensary/health centres) completes an order form for drugs and medical supplies known as RR form (Report & Request form).


The completed form is then submitted to the district, reviewed by district pharmacist and approved by the DMO.


The DMO then sends the drug order to the zonal MSD.


The zonal MSD receives orders, prepare package of drugs and medical supplies as per the facility order and seals each order in cartons.


The sealed cartons are transported directly from zonal MSD to the facility level.


Upon arrival at the facility, cartons are opened at the facility in the presence of one member of the health facility governing committee, and then counted and entered in the store ledger.