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Table 3 Clients’ experiences at the study facilities

From: A new strategy and its effect on adherence to intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Uganda

Clients’ experiences

Clients who participated in the study (adhered to IPTp and delivered at study facilities) N = 384

Clients who did not participate in the study but delivered at the study facilities N = 685

Statistical significance

Who assisted you to deliver the baby?


39 (10.2%)

51 (7.5%)



324 (84.4%)

569 (83.1%)

  Nursing aide

11 (2.9%)

55 (8.0%)


10 (2.5%)

10 (1.5%)

X 2 = 17, P =0.002

Were you satisfied with the help?


378 (97.8%)

670 (97.8%)



6 (2.2%)

15 (2.2%)

X 2 = 0.5, P =0.5

How do you rate your health today?

  Very Good

47 (12.2%)

131 (19.1%)



264 (68.8%)

492 (71.8%)


71 (18.5%)

60 (8.8%)


2 (0.5%)

2 (0.3%)

X 2 = 29, P =0.000

Will you deliver your next baby at this facility?*


362 (97.8%)

620 (98.9%)



8 (2.2%)

7 (1.1%)

X 2 = 3, P =0.25

Person accompanying pregnant woman


108 (28.1%)

239 (34.9%)



73 (19.0%)

173 (25.3%)


91 (23.7%)

143 (20.9%)


112 (29.2%)

130 (19.0%)

What did you like in this study

  Received an explanation on the benefits of preventing malaria in pregnancy and was given a mama kit and I received immediate attention at delivery

175 (86.2%)



  Immediate care and attention given’ during ANC

22 (10.8%)


  Was asked questions in a friendly way

3 (1.4%)


  Everything done to me was good

1 (0.5%)


  I found out my HIV status and whether infected with malaria

16 (7.9%)


  Received advice and treatment of other diseases

2 (1.0%)


  Discovered what happens in a health facility

2 (1.0%)


  Got information on family planning

4 (2.0%)


  1. *Missing data.