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Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: A systematic review of the relationship between severe maternal morbidity and post-traumatic stress disorder


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Research focus

· The relationship between severe maternal morbidity that occurred during pregnancy until the end of the first week postpartum and the onset of PTSD/PTSD symptoms within 2 years postpartum

· Studies of PTSD/PTSD symptoms associated with miscarriage and abortion


· Studies of PTSD/PTSD symptoms associated with medical procedure or medical intervention per se (e.g. caesarean section) without including severe maternal morbidity as a predictor of PTSD/PTSD symptoms


· Other postnatal psychological and physical problems


· Studies of PTSD/PTSD symptoms in pregnant women not associated with pregnancy related events but with others such as conflict, accidents or natural disasters


· Studies examining the effects of pre-existing PTSD/PTSD symptoms on future pregnancies


· Women who experienced (severe) maternal morbidity (eg. Major obstetric haemorrhage, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, admission to intensive/special care unit)

Childbearing women in general (of whom, women who experienced severe maternal morbidity not distinguishable)


· No restriction made

· None

Study type/design

· Observational studies

· Descriptive studies with no comparison group


· Experimental studies with relevant data

· Qualitative studies


· Systematic reviews which examined the relationship between severe maternal morbidity and subsequent postnatal PTSD/PTSD symptoms

· Letter, commentary, news or short communications


· Repeated findings originated from same study


· English

· Non-English


· Published and grey literature

· None

Time frame

· Studies published from 1970

· Studies published before 1970