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Table 1 Compliance with steps of management protocol for massive PPH (n = 26)

From: Evaluation of compliance and outcomes of a management protocol for massive postpartum hemorrhage at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan

Step of protocol

Frequency (%)

1. Call for help

26 (100)

2. Check vitals

21 (80.8)

3. Two I/V* cannula

21 (80.8)

4. I/V fluids/colloid

25 (96.2)

5. Cross match blood and labs sent

23 (88.5)

6. Foley's catheterization done

25 (96.2)

7. Uterine massage done

22 (84.6)

8. Genital inspection performed

25 (96.2)

9. Placental inspection done

17 (65.4)

10. EUA and proceed (for trauma/placental removal/hematoma)

6 (23.1)

  1. * I/V - Intravenous