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Table 1 Reference Carbon Monoxide levels in humans and various environmental sources

From: Effects of chronic carbon monoxide exposure on fetal growth and development in mice


CO level


Non smoker

0-1.5% COHb



Up to 14%COHb

[11, 12]

Natural urban air level

1-30 ppm


Levels found in homes

0.5- 5 ppm


Cigarette Smoke

20 000-60 000 ppm


Alveolar Concentration in smoker

300-400 ppm


Car Exhaust without catalytic converter

30 000- 60 000 ppm


  1. *Parts per million (ppm) by volume (100 ppm = 0.01% of CO in the air)
  2. *Percent carboxyhemoglobin (%COHb) is the amount of CO bound to total haemoglobin