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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the sample

From: Electronic cigarettes may not be a “safer alternative” of conventional cigarettes during pregnancy: evidence from the nationally representative PRAMS data


Complete abstainers (N = 51,430)

Exclusive EC users (N = 337)

Exclusive CC smokers (N = 3,484)

Total (N = 55,251)

Race/ Ethnicity*


24,160 (46.98%)

209 (62.02%)

2,162 (62.06%)

26,531 (48.02%)


9,220 (17.93%)

43 (12.76%)

595 (17.08%)

9,858 (17.84%)


10,371 (20.17%)

45 (13.35%)

200 (5.74%)

10,616 (19.21%)


7,679 (14.93%)

40 (11.87%)

527 (15.13%)

8246 (14.92%)


27 (27–32)

27 (22–32)

27 (22–32)

27 (27–32)

Educational attainment*

 Less than HS

5,642 (10.97%)

59 (17.51%)

870 (24.97%)

6,571 (11.89%)

 HS graduate

11,520 (22.40%)

123 (36.50%)

1,444 (41.45%)

13,087 (23.69%)

 Some college

15,086 (29.33%)

122 (36.20%)

1,064 (30.54%)

16,272 (29.45%)

 Bachelor or more

19,182 (37.30%)

33 (9.79%)

106 (3.04%)

19,321 (34.97%)

Familial income*

 <$25 k

18,344 (35.67%)

215 (63.80%)

2,517 (72.25%)

21,076 (38.15%)

 $25 k-$50 k

10,459 (20.34%)

68 (20.18%)

614 (17.62%)

11,141 (20.16%)

 $50 k-$75 k

7,078 (13.76%)

29 (8.61%)

231 (6.63%)

7,338 (13.28%)

 >$75 k

15,549 (30.23%)

25 (7.42%)

122 (3.50%)

15,696 (28.41%)

Adequate prenatal care*

40.269 (78.3%)

236 (70.03%)

2,294 (65.84%)

42,799 (77.46%)

First trimester CC smoking*

1,011 (1.97%)

46 (13.65%)

3,396 (97.47%)

4,453 (8.06%)

Second trimester CC smoking*

302 (0.59%)

20 (5.94%)

3,397 (97.50%)

3,719 (6.73%)

  1. EC Electronic cigarette, CC Conventional cigarette, HS High school
  2. Asterisk(*) represents a statistically significant difference between three groups for each respective maternal characteristic, calculated from either weighted chi-squared tests for categorical variables or weighted, unadjusted linear regression analyses for continuous variables.
  3. Note: descriptive statistics are given as frquency (percentage) for categorical variables and median (interquartile range) for continuous variables.