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Table 1 Outline of the training sessions

From: Comparing the effectiveness of virtual and semi-attendance Stress Inoculation Training [SIT] techniques in improving the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress of pregnant women with psychological distress: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

Training sessions

Description of training sessions

First session

Introduction and explanation of objectives, learning about pregnancy anxiety, conceptualizing the SIT model, learning about thoughts or ideas formed in our minds, recognizing automatic thoughts and starting to change them, identifying positive and negative thoughts, using the first four steps of recording thought changes, and assigning homework.

Second session (virtual)

Recognizing cognitive distortions, modifying automatic thought, evidence review, creating logical alternatives to automatic thoughts, and assigning homework.

Third session

Learning about various methods of coping with stress, emotion-oriented coping, problem-oriented coping, and assigning homework.

Fourth session (virtual)

Physical relaxation training, assigning homework, and practicing physical relaxation at home.

Fifth session

Self-expression skills training, assigning homework, and practicing physical relaxation at home.

Sixth session (Virtual)

Exercising the previously learned skills in the training session and gradually in real-life events, especially in stressful situations.