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Table 1 Themes reported in primary articles

From: Quality intrapartum care expectations and experiences of women in sub-Saharan African Low and Low Middle-Income Countries: a qualitative meta-synthesis


Dignified care and respect

Communication and meaningful engagement in care

Access to emotional support during childbirth

Continuity of care

pain management


Afulani et al.(2017) [21]

Importance of the positive attitude of staff for a positive childbirth experience

Negative experiences related to dignified care and respect

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Women’s needs related to communication

Significance of emotional and physical support from HCPs for a positive childbirth experience


Negative experiences related to pain management

Significance of physical environment in having a positive experience

Women’s needs regarding responsiveness and physical environment

Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Kumbani et al. (2012) [22]

Positive and negative experiences related to dignified care and respect

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care


Negative experiences related to pain management

Significance of feeling welcomed

Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Jolly et al. (2019) [23]

Expectations of women regarding respectful care

Importance of non-judgmental HCPs for a positive childbirth experience

Women’s ability to make informed decisions

Women’s needs related to communication during childbirth


Significance of support around the clock and timeliness of care

O’Donnell et al. (2014) [24]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Positive experiences related to access to emotional support


Significance of feeling welcomed and timeliness of care for positive experience

Maya et al. (2018) [25]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Expectations of women regarding respectful care


Significance of feeling welcomed for positive experience

Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Dalinjong et al. (2018) [26]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Positive experiences related to access to support


Namujju et al. (2018) [27]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Roles of birth companion in provision of support during labor

Preferences of women regarding birth companions


Perceptions of women related to labor pain

Negative experiences related to pain management

Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Afulani et al. (2018) [28]


Reasons why women need a birth companion

Positive and negative experiences related to birth companion


Bohren et al. (2017) [30]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Expectations of women regarding respectful care

Expectations of women regarding communication

Expectations of women related to access to emotional support

Expectations of women regarding continuity of care


Women’s needs regarding physical environment

Kyaddondo et al. (2017) [32]

Women expectations regarding respectful care

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Significance of communication for a positive childbirth experience

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Women’s needs related to emotional support during childbirth

Expectations of women regarding continuity of care


Women’s needs regarding physical environment

Significance of feeling welcomed for a positive experience

Mehretie Adinew and Abera Assefa (2017) [33]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Negative experiences related to access to support


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

McMahon et al. (2014) [34]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Dzomeku et al. (2017) [35]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Positive experiences related to access to support


Positive experiences related to responsiveness of staff

Oluoch-Aridi et al. (2018) [36]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Negative experiences related to access to support


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Kaye et al. (2015 [37])


Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care


Women expectations regarding continuity of care

Negative experiences related to continuity of care


Madula et al. (2018) [38]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care


Positive experiences related to responsiveness of staff

Mselle et al. (2019) [39]

Positive and negative experiences related to respectful care

Significance of effective communication for satisfaction with services

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Needs of women regarding birth companion

and support from healthcare providers


Negative experiences related to pain management

Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Malachi et al. (2016) [40]


Negative experiences related to inadequate physical environment

Debela et al. (2021) [41]


Access to psychological support during labor


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Burrowes et al. (2017) [42]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Negative experiences related to access to support

Preferences of women regarding birth companion

Negative experiences related to continuity of care


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Bohren et al. (2017) [29]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Women perceived contributing factors of mistreatment


Positive experiences related to access to support


Balde et al. (2017) [43]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Jiru and Sendo (2021) [44]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Positive experiences related to access to support


Asrese (2020) [45]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Negative experiences related to communication and engagement in care

Positive and negative experiences related to access to support


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Lavender et al. (2021) [46]

Poor experiences were tolerated as long as their babies are fine

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Ojelade et al. (2017) [47]


Significance of effective communication for a positive childbirth experience

Needs of women related to access to support

Negative experiences related to access to support


Mgawadere et al. (2019) [48]

Negative experiences related to respectful care

Significance of effective communication for a positive childbirth experience

Infrastructural factors behind denial of birth companion

Negative experiences related to access to support


Significance of feeling welcomed for positive experience

Orpin et al. (2018) [49]

Women perceived contributing factors of mistreatment


Machira and Palamuleni (2018) [50]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Negative experiences related to access to support


Negative experiences related to responsiveness

Gebremichael et al. (2018) [51]

Negative experiences related to respectful care


Positive experiences related to access to support

Negative experiences related to continuity of care

Negative experiences related to pain management

negative experiences related to Responsiveness