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Fig. 1 | BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Fig. 1

From: Weight gain trajectories patterns from pregnancy to early postpartum: identifying women at risk and timing to prevent weight regain

Fig. 1

Trajectories of weight change (kg) from the second trimester of pregnancy to one year postpartum. The trajectories were out of phase-based to the average weight of the second trimester of pregnancy, starting at 0 kg (indicating without change). The key denotes the type of trajectories named HG-FL (solid), MG-ML (short dash-dot-dot), LG-SL (long dash-short dash-short dash), HG-MG (dash), HG-HG (very short dash), and MG-SG (long dash). HG-FL, high weight gain during pregnancy and fast weight loss postpartum; HG-HG, high weight gain during pregnancy and high gain postpartum; HG-MG, high weight gain during pregnancy and moderate gain postpartum; LG-SL, lower gain during pregnancy and moderate loss postpartum; MG-SG, moderate weight gain during pregnancy and slow gain postpartum; MG-ML, moderate weight gain during pregnancy and moderate loss postpartum

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