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Table 2 Potential avenues for improvement

From: Reducing risks for infant mortality in the Midlands, UK: a qualitative study identifying areas for improvement in the delivery of key public health messages in the perinatal period

Potential Avenues for improvement

Reach and inclusion

Devise strategies to promote greater engagement of fathers and other carers in the STORK programme.

Consider opportunities to extend the STORK programme beyond the neonatal unit to normal care.

Examine opportunities to reach mothers before and after childbirth, during pregnancy as well as follow-up support in the community, to maximise the impact of the programme.

Develop training and informational content in multiple languages and formats (print, digital and audio-visual).

Trial different approaches in training delivery (e.g. one-on-one sessions with each parent in certain situations).

Improve access to interpreters, where possible with relevant dialects and knowledge of the content being covered in the programme.


Produce informational materials on topics such as baby product safety, breastfeeding and sleeping practices.

Training and capacity building

Seek measures to improve support for the STORK programme among the wider medical wards and staff, such as providing augmented breastfeeding training to midwives and nurses, including information on appropriate signposting and utility of the mobile app for this purpose.

Provide counselling and mental health training for STORK trainers to equip them with the skills for dealing with challenging cases.