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Table 4 Summary of the final model of stepwise linear regression analyses of body image at T2

From: Course and prediction of body image dissatisfaction during pregnancy: a prospective study



Preoccupation with appearance

Dissatisfaction with strength-related aspects

Dissatisfaction with complexion

Dissatisfaction with body parts

Prioritization of appearance over function

Concerns about sexual attractiveness








Sociodemographic variables



 School education (0 = low to middle; 1 = high)


 Household income




 Parity (0 = primiparous; 1 = multiparous)


Pregnancy-related variables

 Pregnancy plans


 Desire for Pregnancy


Weight-and physical health-related variables

 Pre-pregnancy BMI




 Weight gain (before pregnancy to T1)





 Current physical disorders (0 = no; 1 = yes)



 Poor Sleep Quality (PSQI)





Eating- and activity-related variables

 Number of days with eating attacks (EDE-Q)




 Number of days with uncontrolled eating (EDE-Q)



 Moderate physical activity (IPAQ)





Intense physical activity (IPAQ)




Psychological variables

 Social Support (BSSS)



 Mental disorders before pregnancy (0 = no; 1 = yes)




 Depression (EDPS)


 Worry (CWS)







 Self-Esteem (RSE)





 F (df1, df2)

17.700*** (6,215)

11.216*** (3,218)

10.538*** (2,219)

7.966*** (4, 217)

6.396*** (3, 218)

16.516*** (4, 217)

 R2 (adjusted R2)

.331 (.312)

.134 (122)

.088 (.079)

.128 (.112)

.081 (.068)

.233 (.219)

  1. Independent variables were assessed at T1. Dependent variables were assessed at T2 (prospective analyses). The final model of stepwise linear regression analyses is shown. Higher EPDS scores indicate more severe depressive symptomatology. Higher CWS scores indicates higher levels of pregnancy-specific worries. Higher RSE scores indicate higher levels of self-esteem
  2. β Standardized regression coefficient
  3. *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001