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Table 3 Descriptive statistics and measures of local fit for the CFA of the RS-scale structure (N = 150)a

From: Midwives’ empathy and shared decision making from women’s perspective - sensitivity of an assessment to compare quality of care in prenatal and obstetric care







SDM-Q-9-M (0 = completely disagree all, 5 = completely agree)

 SDM-M-1 – has expressly informed that a decision must be taken

3.64 | 3.88

1.51 | 1.48

.73 | .74

.51 | .49

FR: .96 | .97

AVE: .74 | .78

α: . .97 | .97

 SDM-M-2 – desired participation in decision making

3.73 | 3.67

1.36 | 1.54

.85 | .88

.70 | .75

 SDM-M-3 – information different options

4.15 | 3.68

1.32 | 1.65

.90 | .92

.87 | .92

 SDM-M-4 – explanation assets & drawbacks of the options

3.95 | 3.51

1.43 | 1.62

.93 | .91

.92 | .88

 SDM-M-5 – helped to understand all information

4.23 | 3.83

1.26 | 1.45

.84 | .90

.77 | .81

 SDM-M-6 – asked which option I preferred

4.03 | 3.73

1.44 | 1.62

.91 | .93

.92 | .94

 SDM-M-7 – joint consideration of options

3.79 | 3.29

1.49 | 1.68

.88 | .91

.77 | .82

 SDM-M-8 – joint selection of the option

3.53 | 3.43

1.60 | 1.67

.80 | .88

.62 | .74

 SDM-M-9 – agreement for further care

3.93 | 3.41

1.53 | 1.75

.85 | .83

.70 | .66

CARE-8-M (1 = fully applies, 5 = does not apply at all)

 CARE-M-1 – making you feel at ease

1.22 | 1.47

.59 | .83

.79 | .86

.68 | .76

FR: .94 | .96

AVE: .67 | .77

α: .94 | .96

 CARE-M-2 – letting you tell your “story“

1.24 | 1.81

.56 | 1.08

.82 | .85

.74 | .71

 CARE-M-3 – really listening

1.31 | 1.71

.59 | .97

.81 | .91

.67 | .84

 CARE-M-4 – being interested in you as whole person

1.26 | 1.81

.57 | 1.07

.88 | .83

.89 | .76

 CARE-M-5 – fully understanding your concerns

1.36 | 1.71

.68 | .98

.72 | .91

.61 | .81

 CARE-M-6 – showing care and compassion

1.30 | 1.55

.66 | .84

.89 | .90

.84 | .90

 CARE-M-7 – being positive

1.28 | 1.49

.66 | .87

.78 | .85

.54 | .76

 CARE-M-8 – explaining things clearly

1.36 | 1.63

.75 | .92

.73 | .82

.44 | .68

  1. a 1st value: pregnancy, 2nd value: birth; Critical Ratio (C. R.) for all items ≥9; M mean, S.D standard deviation, r it,c corrected item-total correlation, IR indicator reliability, FR factor reliability, AVE average variance extracted, α Conbach’s aplpha