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Table 1 Data collected from the survey organized by domains and descriptive analysis of the sample (n = 56)

From: Maternal mental health and breastfeeding amidst the Covid-19 pandemic: cross-sectional study in Catalonia (Spain)

1. Household portrayal (economic and affective domains)

N (%)a

Mother's age, years. Median [IQR]

34.3 [30–37.3]

Mother’s job status/category


5 (8.9)


1 (1.8)


12 (21.4)


1 (1.8)

 Employed by others

37 (66.1)

Effect of the pandemic on the mother's work status

 No effect/has improved

48 (85.7)

 Has worsened

8 (14.3)

Current pregnancy planned

46 (82.1)

Abortion considered during present pregnancy

2 (3.6)

Pregnancy achieved through assisted reproduction techniques

10 (17.9)

History of previous maternal abortions

13 (23.2)

Voluntary abortions in previous pregnancies

6 (10.7)

Mother’s relationship status at the time of labour


53 (96.4)


2 (3.6)

Quality of the relationship maintained with partner


2 (3.6)

 Overall good

51 (91.0)

 Tense relationship, considering breakup

3 (5.4)

Mother describes environment as supportive at the time of labour

54 (96.4)

Number of gestations. Median


Number of children (including the newborn)


28 (50.0)


23 (41.0)

 Three or more

5 (9.0)

2. History of psychiatric disorders


Average of sleep hours during current pregnancy

 4-6 h

44 (78.5)

 6-8 h

9 (16.1)

 More than 8 h

3 (5.4)

Maternal history of psychiatric drugs consumption

11 (19.6)

Maternal history of previous psychiatric hospitalization

1 (1.8)

Family history of psychiatric disorders (1st line relatives only)

14 (25)

Family history of suicide

2 (3.6)

Substance consumption during current pregnancy


7 (12.6)


2 (3.6)

 Substance abuse

0 (0)

3. Covid-19 status

Maternal history of symptoms compatible with COVID-19 during current pregnancy

24 (42.9)

Cohabitants’ history of symptoms compatible with COVID-19

8 (14.3)

Pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 during current pregnancy/at labour

0 (0)

Cohabitants diagnosed with COVID-19 or needing quarantine

2 (3.6)

Next-of-kin or cohabitant deceased due to COVID-19

5 (8.9)

4. Perinatal data


Gestational age, weeks. Median [IQR]

39w1d [38w2d—40w2d]

Apgar test score. Median


Anthropometric data of the newborn


 Weight at birth, grams. Median [IQR]

3330 [2937–3675]

 Length at birth, cm. Median [IQR]

49.5 [47–50]

 Head circumference at birth, cm. Median [IQR]

34.5 [33.5–35.5]

Satisfaction with the support received regarding EBF immediately after labour

41 (73.2)

Hospital stay

 Early discharge (< 48 h)

12 (21.4)

 Conventional (48-72 h)

36 (64.2)

 Prolonged stay (> 72 h)

8 (14.4)

Newborns admitted to Neonatology

4 (7.1)

Maternal postpartum complications


1 (1.8)


1 (1.8)


7 (12.5)

 No complications

47 (83.9)

  1. a Results expressed in N (%) unless otherwise specified. N Absolute frequency, IQR Interquartile range