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Table 2 Changes in prenatal care and birth planning

From: Changes in prenatal care and vaccine willingness among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic


No. (weighted %)

Perceived quality of care

 Sig. improved

51 (22.8)

 Somewhat improved

75 (37.0)

 Somewhat worsened, no change

66 (27.4)

 Sig. worsened

28 (12.8)

Change in prenatal careb

 Format of prenatal care

84 (34.5)

 Fewer prenatal visits

69 (23.8)

 Change in provider

56 (21.9)

 None of these

47 (26.0)

 Cancelled hospital tour

41 (19.2)

 Change to virtual visit

36 (15.6)

Prenatal resources availableb

 In-person visits

126 (59.5)

 Virtual visits

82 (36.6)

 Phone visits

76 (37.2)

 Online messaging

65 (30.6)

 Emergency care

47 (24.2)

 Home BP monitoring

36 (14.1)

 Home fetal heart rate monitoring

21 (9.4)

 Don’t know

7 (2.2)

Change in birth plan

 Home to hospital

22 (10.2)

 Hospital to home

45 (17.7)

 Vaginal to C-section

42 (16.5)

 Planned C-section changed

50 (19.0)

 No changes

66 (36.5)

Experienced emotional distress about pregnancy

 No or mild stress

85 (40.3)

 Moderate or severe stress

141 (59.7)

  1. aMissing values: perceived quality of care (n = 13, 5.6%), changes in birth plan (n = 8, 3.4%), emotional distress (n = 7, 3.0%)
  2. bMultiple options allowed