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Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of study participants, stratified by cell phone ownership (n = 174)

From: Exploring association of mobile phone access with positive health outcomes and behaviors amongst post-partum mothers in rural Malawi

Demographic Characteristic

Owns Cell Phone

(n = 79)

Does not Own a Cell Phone

(n = 95)

Total Participants

(n = 174)

Maternal Age group (p = 0.57)

Range 16-60yrs

Mean 25.4 (± 7.5 SD)

 Adolescent (16–19)

20 (25.3%)

19 (20%)

39 (22.4%)

 Young Twenties (20–29)

32 (40.5%)


75 (43.1%)

 Older (≥ 30)

22 (27.8%)

32 (33.7%)

54 (31.0%)


5 (6.3%)

1 (1.1%)

7 (4.0%)

Married (p = 0.98)


65 (82.3%)

78 (82.1%)

143 (82.0%)


14 (17.7%)

17 (17.9%)

31 (18.0%)

Current Child Age group (p = 0.56)

Range 123–180 days

Mean 147.1 (± 14.3 SD)

  ≤ 151 days (≤ 4 months)

50 (63.3%)

56 (58.95%)

106 (60.9%)

  > 151 days (> 4 months)

29 (36.7%)

39 (41.05%)

68 (39.1%)

Number of living children (p = 0.96)

Range 1–8

Mean 2.7 (± 1.8 SD)

  < 3 children

46 (58.2%)

55 (57.9%)


  ≥ 3 children

33 (41.8%)

40 (42.1%)

73 (42.0%)

Maternal Education Level (p = 0.006)*

 High Level of Education (US middle school or greater (standard 6 to form 4))

59 (74.7%)

52 (54.7%)

111 (63.8%)

 Lower Level of Education (US elementary to no formal education (Standard 1 to 5 or no formal education))

20 (25.3%)

43 (45.3%)

63 (36.2%)

Household wealth (p < 0.001)*

Range 0–6.7

Mean 0.4 (± 0.71 SD)

 High Household wealtha

45 (57.0%)

16 (16.8%)

61 (35.0%)

 Low Household wealtha

34 (43.0%)

79 (83.2%)

113 (65.0%)

Household size (p = 0.18)

Range 1–15

Mean 5.0 (± 2.0 SD)

  ≤ 4 in household

31 (39.2%)

47 (49.5%)

78 (44.8%)

  > 4 in household

48 (60.8%)

48 (50.5%)

96 (55.2%)

Food Insecurity Score (p = 0.09)

Range 0–31

Mean 10.4 (± 8.1 SD)

 High (Score ≥ 9 on HFIAS)

34 (43.0%)

53 (55.8%)

87 (50.0%)

 Low (Score < 9 on HFIAS)

45 (57.0%)

42 (44.2%)

87 (50.0%)

  1. aHigh household wealth defined as a score greater than 0.32, and low household wealth defined as 0.32 or lower on the scale [20]
  2. *Statistically significant at p < 0.05 level