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Table 2 Outcomes according to cervix dilatation groups at diagnosis of dystocia and start of oxytocin infusion

From: Labor dystocia and oxytocin augmentation before or after six centimeters cervical dilatation, in nulliparous women with spontaneous labor, in relation to mode of birth

Cervix dilatation at diagnosis of dystocia and start of oxytocin infusion

 ≤ 5 cm

n = 203

6–10 cm

n = 183

Fully dilated

n = 202


Spontaneous vaginal birth n (%)

149 (73.4)

144 (78.7)

179 (88.6)

 < 0.001

Instrumental vaginal birth n (%)

29 (14.3)

27 (14.8)

23 (11.4)


Cesarean section n (%)

25 (12.3)

12 (6.6)

0 (0.0)

 < 0.001

Need of epidural anesthesia n (%)

178 (88)

162 (89)

142 (70)

 < 0.001

OASI grade III + IV n (%)

13 (6)

10 (5)

11 (5)


PPH (> 1000 mL) n (%)

14 (7)

10 (6)

14 (7)


Apgar < 7 at 5 min n (%)

8 (4)

4 (2)

1 (0.5)


Umbilical cord arterial pH < 7.10 n (%)

19 (12.2)

14 (10.3)

15 (9.7)


Negative birth experience (VAS 1–4) n (%)

34 (20.4)

14 (9.0)

19 (10.9)


  1. Data is presented as number and percent. Percent was calculated within dilatation groups. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant
  2. OASI Obstetric Anal Sphincter injury, PPH Postpartum hemorrhage, VAS Visual Analog Scale