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Table 1 Characteristics of mothers giving birth in the pre- and post-AFFIRM study periods (based on available data)

From: Awareness of fetal movements and care package to reduce fetal mortality (AFFIRM): a trial-based and model-based cost-effectiveness analysis from a stepped wedge, cluster-randomised trial


Mean (SD) or n(%)

Control (pre-AFFIRM)

n = 157,692

Intervention (post-AFFIRM)

n = 227,860

Maternal age (years)

30.0 (5.8)

30.2 (5.7)




 Black (African or Caribbean)



 Missing/not reported

118,127 (74.9%)

10,966 (7.0%)

4288 (2.7%)

2845 (1.8%)

2272 (1.4%)

19,194 (12.2%)

169,531 (74.5%)

15,144 (6.6%)

6172 (2.7%)

3221 (1.4%)

4126 (1.8%)

29,666 (13.0%)

BMI – overweight or obese (≥ 25 kg/m2)

61,950 (48.2%)

95,413 (49.9%)

Parity – nulliparous

65,145 (42.4%)

89,822 (40.8%)

Estimated gestation at birth (weeks)

39.1 (2.2)

39.0 (2.2)

Multiple births this pregnancy – yes

2575 (1.6%)

3794 (1.7%)