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Table 3 Women’s understanding of good, bad & expected birth experiences

From: Breaking the silence about obstetric violence: Body mapping women’s narratives of respect, disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Bihar, India

Participating woman (live births)

Experienced birth

Expected respectful birth

Good Birth

Bad Birth/ Better Birth

WR05 (2)

-short duration of labour

-too painful

-neglect and abandonment

-verbal abuse

discriminated against on the basis of sex of newborn

-no touching

-proper communication

-timely examination

-no delay in care

-polite care provider, serve with a smile

-a bed

-care provider should treat as family member

-non discriminatory care regardless of newborn’s sex

-availability of hospital supplies

-no disrespect

-no extortion

-not more than two people around her during childbirth

-incentive for institutional birth

WR08 (2)

-better prepared from experience

-lower expectation than previous birth

-too many vaginal examinations by different care providers without maintaining privacy or seeking consent

- extortion


-inhumane treatment

-many men around in the birthing room (OT)

-vaginal (normal) birth

-comforting touch

-no vaginal examinations

-seek consent before touching

-explanation and consent before interventions

-birth companion in OT

WU04 (2)

-home birth

-better neonatal outcome

-respectful communication in hospital birth

-private hospital birth

-unaffordable care

-journey to hospital to give birth, travel through a bumpy road

-unexplained, unconsented augmentation

-home birth

-no vaginal examination

WU02 (3)

-clean toilet

-quick ambulance

-swelling of legs and arms

-difficulty walking

-unconsented and forced vaginal examination

-restrained, physical abuse

-no touching

-verbal abuse (hoped it won’t happen)

-no delay in care

-no complications

-respectful communication

-birth companion of choice

-food to be provided at hospital

-clean bed, birthing room and bathroom

-birth in the hospital

- incentive for institutional birth

WU02 (1)

-comforting touch from another birthing woman’s companion

-affordable care

-verbal abuse

-shouted at

-uterine prolapse repair without anesthesia

-baby declared dead by dais without newborn assessment

-no physical abuse

-comforting touch

-birthing companion of choice

-extortion, but hoped it won’t happen

−1:1 care

-one bed, one room

-curtains for privacy

-respectful behaviour from care providers

-care providers should introduce themselves

-baby should be received with care and assessed properly after birth

-proper light & ventilation

WU03 (4)

-presence of ‘guardian’ though not of choice

-care providers followed her believes (norms) after insisting

-care providers did not do vaginal examination after refusal

-extreme pain

-forgotten to remove gauge piece before episiotomy repair


-unexplained and unconsented vaginal examination, episiotomy, episiotomy repair, uterine exploration and augmentation

-no anesthesia before episiotomy repair

-husband’s presence as a birth companion

-no episiotomy

-birthing woman’s norms and believes to be followed

WU01 (3)

-no medicine

-no vaginal examination

-less pain

-quick delivery

-privacy protected

-shouted at, verbally abused

-unconsented, unexplained vaginal examination, episiotomy, episiotomy repair, augmentation

-restrained, physically abused

-detention of newborn


-no cut

-little pain

-no stitching without anesthesia

-no unnecessary touching

-seek permission before touching and interventions

-respectful behaviour from care providers

-come home alive after birth

-no birth companion

WR07 (3)

-home birth

-three live births

-same dagarin


-two stillbirths

-home births

-continuity of care across all births