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Table 3 Themes and Subthemes

From: Women’s experiences and perceptions of anxiety and stress during the perinatal period: a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis

Theme (Studies themes identified in)


Subthemes (Studies subtheme identified in)

Social Support

([2] [3]; [4] [1]; ;[11]; [14] [26]; ;[19] [24] [7]; ;;[41];)

This theme examines the impact of social support on anxiety and stress during both pregnancy and the postpartum period

• Partner Support [2,3,4, 11, 14, 26]

• Peer Support [11, 19, 24]

• Family Support [1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 24, 41]

Women’s Experiences of Health Care

([1] [2]; [3] [4]; ;[7]; [19] [24] [26]; ;;[41];)

This theme relates to the impact of women’s experiences of healthcare on perinatal anxiety and stress

• Perceived poor care from Healthcare Professionals ([1] [4]93 [2] [7, 19, 24, 26, 41];);

• ;Access to healthcare services [2, 3, 19, 26]

• Childbirth experiences [2,3,4, 19]

Factors that Impact on Coping

([1] [3] [7] [11]; ;;[19]; [24] [26] [41];);;

This theme examines some of the factors that may facilitate or hinder women’s coping during pregnancy and the postpartum period

• Behavioural Strategies (Affonso et al. 1993 [3, 7, 11, 19, 24, 26, 41];)

• Faith [3, 7, 26]

• Information [24, 43]

Social Norms and Expectations

([1] [3] [4] [11] [14]; ;;[;24] [26]; ;[41] [43] [19];);;

This theme related to women’s sense of pressure to adhere to perceived societal norms, which was a cause of stress and anxiety

• Being a “good mother” [4, 24, 41, 43]

• Mental health stigma [3, 24, 43]

• Role changes and responsibilities (Affonso et al. 1993 [3, 4, 11, 14, 24, 26, 43];)

Women’s and Baby’s Health

([2] [4]; [14] [26]; ;[43]; [46];)

This theme explored women’s experience of anxiety and stress in relation to their own health issues and the health status of their unborn or newly born baby

• Women’s health [14, 26, 46]

• Baby’s health ([2] [4]; [43]; [46];)