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Table 1 The summary of some of the independent variables

From: Prevalence and associated factors of caesarian section in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis of the 2019 Ethiopia Mini Demographic Health Survey




Age of the mother

The of the mother was coded 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, and 45-49; however, during cleaning some of the categories lack participants or very limited, we recoded to 15-29, 30-39, 40-49


Mother educational status

No-education, Primary, Secondary, and Higher



Religion was Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic, tradition, other. Depending on the number of participants we merged Catholic, Traditional, and Other and the new coding become Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim and others


Marital status

Marital status was coded as never in union, married, living with partner, widowed, and divorced, no longer living together/separated; however, number of participants from the last four was very few, thus, we categorized unmarried and married by living married alone and classified all else.


Place of delivery

It was coded as respondent’s home, other home, government hospital, government health center, government health post, other public health sector, private hospital, private clinic, Ngo health facility, NGO other health facility, and other. Because of statistically insignificant number of participant and some other similarities, we recoded to home and institutional delivery.


House wealth index

In EMDHS, household wealth index was categorized in quintiles as: poorest, poor, average, rich and richest and for this category, they used principal component analysis to make this category. Then, for easy decision making we re-categorized the scale in to poor, middle, and rich


Birth order

It a count number ranging from 1 to 15; however, we categorized in to first, 2nd, and >=3



no birth, one birth, two birth, and three and above births

No birth

Number of ANC

ANC coded as count number ranging from 1 to 20; however, to assist good decision making we recoded into No-visit, 1-3 visit, 4th –visit, and 5+- visit

No visit

preceding birth interval

Preceding birth interval was coded from 1 to 219 months in the dataset. We recoded in to <15, 15-30,>30 months for the same reason as above



EMDHS coded the variable No-method, Traditional method, Modern method

No method