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Table 2 Predefined antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum criteria for secondary obstetrician involvement

From: Obstetrician involvement in planned midwife-led births: a cohort study in an obstetric department of a University Hospital in Switzerland




∙ vaginal bleeding

∙ non-cephalic presentation

∙ postterm gestation ≥41 completed weeks

∙ induction of labor

∙ rupture of membranes > 24 h without contractions

∙ abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring before onset of labor

∙ vaginal bleeding

∙ abnormal fetal heart rate monitoring

∙ meconium stained amniotic fluid

∙ prolonged first stage of labor

∙ prolonged second stage of labor

∙ hypertension

∙ suspicion of amniotic infection

∙ shoulder dystocia

∙ instrumental vaginal birth

∙ request of epidural anaesthesia

∙ maternal exhaustion/ decompensation

∙ postpartum hemorrhage

∙ complete or partial placental retention

∙ obstetrical anal sphincter injury

∙ severe vaginal tear