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Table 1 Primary symptoma documented by treating provider for EMS emergency activations for an obstetric event (n=107,771)

From: Frequency and severity of prehospital obstetric events encountered by emergency medical services in the United States


Emergency Obstetric Activations, n (%)

Abdominal pain and other digestive/abdomen signs and symptoms

29,350 (29)

Other general signs and symptoms

12,901 (13)

Other specified female genital disorders

9,802 (10)

Early or threatened labor

9,539 (10)

Uncomplicated pregnancy, delivery or puerperium

8,186 (8)

Circulatory signs and symptoms

4,107 (4)

Nausea and vomiting

3,523 (4)

Malaise and fatigue

2,052 (2)

Other specified complications in pregnancy

1,879 (2)

Medical examination/evaluation

1,810 (2)

Musculoskeletal pain, not low back pain

1,697 (2)

Malposition, disproportion or other labor complications

1,471 (1)

Symptoms of mental and substance use conditions

1,429 (1)

Nervous system signs and symptoms

1,052 (1)

Early, first or unspecified trimester hemorrhage

866 (1)

Other obstetric conditions

2,504 (3)

Other non-obstetric conditionsb

7,369 (8)

  1. Note: Percentages may not total to 100% due to rounding
  2. Abbreviations: EMS, emergency medical services
  3. aPrimary symptom (eSituation.09) grouped by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) for International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) Diagnoses version 2020.3 categories [18]. Default CCSR categories were used except for “Z37” codes (classified instead as maternal outcome of delivery)
  4. bOther includes 107 categories under 1% each