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Table 1 PBLI Lessons

From: A prenatal group based phone counseling intervention to improve breastfeeding rates and complementary feeding: a randomized, controlled pilot and feasibility trial


Objectives of Lesson

Introduction to Breastfeeding

Understand what to feed baby

Understand the benefits of breastfeeding

Learn the recommendations for breastfeeding duration

Compare breastfeeding myths

Breastfeeding Basics

Understand the parts of the breast

Learn how breastmilk is made in your body

Learn about supply and demand

Learn how much baby should be eating

Learn common breastfeeding difficulties and solutions

Pumping 101

Understand why pumping is useful

Learn how to stare, thaw, and warm milk

Understand how to start pumping

Learn about different pumps

Understand how to increase supply

Back to work

Understand legal rights at work

Understand how to prepare for return to work

Learn about common breastfeeding difficulties once back to work

Complementary Feeding

Understand when to start solids

Learn what type of solid foods to feed your baby

Understand how much your infant should be eating

Explore mealtime tips and choking hazards

Nutrition and Physical Activity for Breastfeeding

Understand what to eat while breastfeeding

Understand nutrient density

Learn when to incorporate physical activity

Learn practical tips for eating healthy after baby