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Table 2 Quality of care index items by health facility type (n = 665)

From: Facility-level determinants of quality routine intrapartum care in Afghanistan

Quality of care index

Secondary and Tertiary Hospitals

Primary Care Facilities

Total average

Specialized Hospitals

Regional Hospitals

Provincial Hospitals

District Hospitals and CHCs

Initial client assessment and examination

n = 27

n = 40

n = 195

n = 189

n = 451

 1. Asks whether woman has experienced headaches or blurred vision

15% (4)

2% (1)

12% (23)

16% (31)

13% (59)

 2. Asks whether woman has experienced vaginal bleeding

33% (9)

7% (3)

29% (56)

36% (68)

30% (136)

 3. Takes blood pressure

78% (21)

30% (12)

61% (120)

65% (123)

61% (276)

 4. Takes pulse

67% (18)

27% (11)

27% (53)

31% (58)

31% (140)

 5. Washes his/her hand before any examination

56% (15)

42% (17)

37% (72)

37% (70)

39% (174)

 6. Wears high-level disinfected or sterile gloves for vaginal examination

74% (20)

47% (19)

66% (128)

73% (138)

67% (305)

First stage of labor

n = 43

n = 39

n = 213

n = 220

n = 515

 7. At least once, explains what will happen in labor to the woman and/or her support person

35% (15)

20% (8)

33% (70)

35% (77)

33% (170)

 8. Prepares uterotonic drug to use for AMTSL

98% (42)

79% (31)

88% (187)

93% (205)

90% (465)

 9. Uses partograph (during labor)

74% (32)

36% (14)

42% (89)

60% (133)

52% (268)

 10. Self-inflating ventilation bag (500 mL) and face masks (size 0 and size 1) are laid out and ready for use for neonatal resuscitation

21% (9)

13% (5)

27% (58)

30% (67)

27% (139)

Third stage of labor

n = 61

n = 57

n = 271

n = 273

n = 662

 11. Correctly administers uterotonic (timing, dose, route)a

52% (32)

28% (16)

40% (108)

37% (100)

39% (256)

 12. Assesses completeness of placenta and membranes

56% (34)

32% (18)

57% (154)

49% (135)

51% (341)

 13. Assesses for perineal and vaginal lacerations

80% (49)

56% (32)

75% (203)

68% (185)

71% (469)

Immediate newborn and postpartum care

n = 61

n = 56

n = 263

n = 272

n = 652

 14. Immediately dries baby with towel

92% (56)

82% (46)

87% (230)

87% (238)

87% (570)

 15. Places newborn on mother’s abdomen skin-to-skin

64% (39)

36% (20)

47% (124)

48% (131)

48% (314)

 16. Ties or clamps cord when pulsations stop, or by 2–3 min after birth (not immediately after birth)

88% (54)

66% (37)

70% (183)

71% (194)

72% (468)

 17. Takes mother's vital signs 15 min after birth

25% (15)

11% (6)

30% (78)

34% (92)

29% (191)

 18. Palpates uterus 15 min after birth

44% (27)

20% (11)

48% (126)

50% (135)

46% (299)

 19. Assists mother to initiate breastfeeding within one hour

28% (17)

34% (19)

34% (89)

44% (119)

37% (244)

  1. a Correct administration of uterotonic included 10 IU of oxytocin intramuscularly within 1 min of delivery, 600 μg of misoprostol orally within 1 min, or 200 μg of ergometrine intramuscularly within 1 min. Results here are lower than previously published findings from this assessment as Ansari and colleagues examined a subset of these criteria [19]