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Table 4 Prevalence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D status among the study participants after adjusting for confounders

From: High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among normotensive and hypertensive pregnant women in Ghana

25(OH) D status

NP (n = 92)

PE (n = 88)

χ2, df, (p-value)

aOR (95% CI)


Severe deficiency

32 (34.8%)

51 (58.0%)

10.95, 2, (0.004)

5.92 (2.14–16.40)


Mild to moderate deficiency

37 (40.2%)

27 (30.7%)

2.13 (0.76–5.95)


Optimal level

23 (25%)

10 (11.4%)

1.0 (reference)

  1. Statistically significant level was set at p-value < 0.05
  2. PE Preeclamptic women, NP Normotensive pregnant control, χ2, df Chi-square, degree of freedom, aOR adjusted odds ratio, CI Confidence interval, 25 (OH)D 25-hydroxyvitamin D. PE Preeclamptic women, NP Normotensive pregnant control