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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of mothers and intraoperative variables. Values are expressed as mean (SD) or median (IQR)

From: Effect of amino acid infusion during cesarean delivery on newborn temperature: a randomized controlled trial


Amino acid group

Placebo group

Age (y)

27.2 (5.0)

28.0 (4.6)

Weight (kg)

60.45 (10.5)

64.0 (11.1)

Height (cm)

153.4 (5.9)

153.1 (5.1)

Body Mass Index (kg/m2)

25.5 (3.7)

27.2 (4.2)

Baseline rectal temperature (°C)

36.9 (0.27)

37.0 (0.24)

Baseline heart rate (beats/min)

90 (14.1)

89 (11.9)

Baseline mean arterial pressure (mmHg)

84 (9.1)

86 (10.4)

Time interval from start of infusion to SAB (min)

70.7 (5.1)

70.2 (5.4)

Spinal block level

T4 (T4-T5)

T4 (T4-T5)

Intraoperative fluids (ml)

1546 (127)

1504 (122)

Estimated blood loss (ml)

557 (72)

528 (60)